Rent, buy, sell?
A house that matches with your lifestyle? An apartment that suits your needs? Rent or buy? Or sell? In every case you are right with us. The Hanseatic Group is your reliable partner in renting, buying and selling houses, apartments, apartment buildings and properties. We are experts with a long experience in real estate, renting, administration and selling. And we will gladly help you find the perfect property to rent or buy. You tell us what you are looking for, and we will take care of the rest.

Because service is key – Hanseatic Wohnen.
The Hanseatic Wohnen (“Hanseatic Living”) rents and sells properties – those from our own stock and those entrusted to our company. We adopt the tenant support, owner representation, the whole facility management – including janitorial services. In short: We offer integrated real estate service. We take care of it!
Our service includes on-site inspections and object evaluations as well as the creation of significant exposés and the marketing for your property via appropriate channels. A professional perfomance while organising inspections, consultations and negotiations with buyers or seller as well as the preparation of contracts and supervision of handling purchase contracts until the receipt of the payment, are self-evident for us.
We are your partner at least until the property is handed over – and of course beyond that if you wish.
Hanseatic Holding GmbH
Phoenixallee 11
31137 Hildesheim
Fon +49 5121 74993-0
Fax +49 5121 74993-33