Private Equity & Participation
Equity participation
Private equity is the participation with equity capital of institutional investors and private individuals. Returns are generated in a typical manner: through the appreciation of the investment to the resale of the property. Investors can become involved in this investment segment through funds of funds, which bundle the capital of many investors in order to make it available to a selection of the most successful private equity companies. The services of the Hanseatic Group in the area of funds and private equity include, among other things, the conception and management of the funds - including the investment projects. Another area is the development of holistic private equity strategies and support for investors.
- Conception
- Management
- Investments
- Investor support
- Private Equity Strategies

Hanseatic Holding GmbH
Phoenixallee 11
31137 Hildesheim
Fon +49 5121 74993-0
Fax +49 5121 74993-33